Sunday, June 20, 2010

YOG special lane

The hyperlink shown below is for those who still do not know what is going on about the special YOG vehicular lane that would be implemented on most of the expressways and some designated main roads:

My 2 cents thought of this issue:
1) How are the YOG buses going to be moving on the 2nd most left lane or rather the middle lane of most of the expressways when the legal speed limit for buses is 60km/hr? Isn't it going to be road hogging impeding smooth expressway flow instead?

2) So if the car did not look out for the YOG official cars, would the cars end up filter out to the right lane? In any case would they travel beyond the speed limit and/ or be above the actual traffic flow (raining, accidents, events en-route e.g. fallen tree)?

3) Can't they leave the venues i.e. hotels or NTU YOG village earlier?

4) Can't other arrangement be made instead? I.e. adjust school hours, SGX trading hours, govt office operational hours? This also has implications onto our public buses and MRT peak hour scheduling as well.

Is the scholars inside the civil service expect everyone to evolve around the YOG? Or is it because they now realised it would greatly the smooth ops of the finanicial & banking sector?

I'm waiting for road traffic accidents to occur as vehicles filter out to the right or left lane out of desperation to avoid getting the fine. Probably a 10 - 20 car piling accident would occur when one of the cars is unable to brake in time to let the filtering car in. By then the YOG games would be affected thanks to the massive jam. Soon Singapore would become a joke of the world again after the Orchard Road flash flood on Wednesday 16/06/2010.

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